Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hmm... Glass Castle....

R.O.A.R. Book #1: Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Andy's Word: unfascinating
Andy's Comparison: A few months ago i decided to try something known as the sensuous sandwich challenge. The idea behind this challenge is to eat a 24" sandwich in under 30 minutes. I am possibly sandwiches #1 fan if you didn't know that already. I love sandwiches, except for Reuben sandwiches. Reuben sandwiches are like LeBron James, you get all excited thinking that he will come through and then he falls short... and then a week later his chance comes again and you get all excited that he is gonna succeed and then he falls short again... and you keep forgetting that he just is not going to pull it off... and people rave about him. LeBron James is a Reuben sandwich to me.
Any way... so i did this sensuous sandwich challenge. The sandwich was delicious: a roast beef sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, etc. The first 15 bites absolutely rocked my mouth... then bite sixteen came. The sandwich became disgusting... i wasn't full so much as the taste of the sandwich just became unbearable. Each successive bite became more and more disgusting, my body screamed "NO MORE ROAST BEEF!"
This book was a lot like that. I really enjoyed the first 150 pages of the book. It was entertaining to read how this dysfunctional family got by. It was interesting to read about how these children embraced their dead beat parents. It was amusing to read about all these terrible situations through the eyes of a youngster.
Then it got old. The horse was beaten to death, and then buried, and then dug up, and then beaten some more, and then dropped into a vat of molten steel (like T100).
So, my advice on this book for anybody looking for a good read... read it... then abruptly stop somewhere in the middle.
In first grade i learned a poem that i have applied in my life thus far:
"if a task is once begun, never finish til it's done."
Sorry Mrs. Morse, im gonna have to disagree with your poem:
"If Glass Castle is once begun, better finish 'fore its done."

Bring on the LeBron arguments, i'm ready for it.

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